Nurturing Young Minds: Islamic Values in Children's Education

Posted on 02 August 2023.

New North Road Community Centre is a premier Islamic faith community center with a strong presence in both Ilford and Hainault. Our mission is to be a beacon of knowledge, compassion, and support for our diverse community members. We take great pride in offering a comprehensive range of services that cater to various aspects of life, all rooted in Islamic principles. Our commitment to excellence and inclusivity makes us a trusted destination for individuals seeking education, spiritual guidance, medical wellness, and a sense of belonging. In this blog post, we will delve into the crucial role of Islamic values in shaping the education of young minds and how we strive to foster a nurturing environment that integrates the teachings of Islam.

Education is at the heart of our community center, and we believe in the transformative power of knowledge. Our dedicated team of qualified teachers offers tuition classes that cover a wide range of subjects, ensuring that our students receive a well-rounded education. Beyond academics, we are passionate about instilling the values and wisdom found in the Holy Quran. By intertwining the teachings of Islam with mainstream education, we create an enriched learning experience that nurtures not only the intellect but also the heart and soul of our young learners. Our approach encourages critical thinking, empathy, and a deep sense of spirituality, preparing our children to become responsible and compassionate global citizens.

In our Children's Nursery, we understand the importance of early childhood development and the profound impact it has on a child's future. Our nurturing environment is carefully crafted to provide a safe and loving space for the little ones to explore, learn, and grow. Under the care of our experienced staff, who embody the teachings of kindness and compassion, children embark on a journey of discovery and joy. We place great emphasis on values like sharing, respect, and caring for one another, laying a strong foundation for their moral and social development. As an extension of their family, we work closely with parents to ensure that the values practiced at our center are reinforced in the home environment, creating a seamless and holistic approach to early education.

At New North Road Community Centre, we firmly believe that cultivating Islamic values in children's education is a sacred duty that transcends mere academics. By nurturing young minds with the teachings of Islam, we aspire to shape future leaders who embody the principles of justice, compassion, and community service. Our commitment to excellence and our unwavering dedication to serving the needs of our community have earned us a reputation as a trusted and valued resource. As you read further in this blog post, we invite you to explore the profound impact of Islamic values on the education of our children and discover how our center strives to be a catalyst for positive change and spiritual growth.

Islamic Values in Children's Education

  • Education: Our community centre takes great pride in providing high-quality education for children. Our qualified teachers offer tuition classes that cover both secular subjects and the teachings of the Holy Quran. By incorporating Islamic values into the curriculum, we create a holistic learning experience that helps children develop a strong sense of spirituality and moral understanding from an early age.
  • Children's Nursery: In our children's nursery, we lovingly look after the little ones from Monday to Thursday. Our nurturing environment is designed to foster a sense of security and well-being, allowing children to grow and flourish under the guidance of our caring staff, who instil the values of compassion, kindness, and empathy.
  • Medical Wellness: At New North Road Community Centre, we prioritize the well-being of our community members. Our medical wellness services include blood pressure and blood glucose level checks, along with general health advice. Emphasizing the significance of a healthy body and mind, we draw inspiration from Islamic teachings on maintaining overall well-being.
  • Advisory Services: Our advisory services extend beyond academic and medical matters. We are committed to providing guidance and support in various aspects of life, always in accordance with the principles of our faith. Our team is here to listen, advise, and assist, ensuring that the community members lead fulfilling lives aligned with Islamic values.


At New North Road Community Centre, we are driven by a deep sense of responsibility to nurture young minds with Islamic values on their education journey. We firmly believe that a well-rounded education must encompass not only academic excellence but also the development of strong character and a deep connection with spirituality. By integrating the timeless wisdom of the Quran and Hadiths into our early childhood education programs, we strive to build a solid foundation for our children's future. Our nurturing environment fosters a love for learning and an understanding of the importance of compassion, empathy, and moral integrity. As our students grow, they emerge as confident individuals equipped with the tools to navigate the complexities of the world while upholding the values of Islam.

Our dedication to serving the needs of our community is reflected in the diverse range of services we offer. Whether it's educational support, medical wellness, or advisory services, we are here to guide and assist you on your journey. Our team of qualified teachers is passionate about instilling the principles of Islam in every aspect of education, equipping children with the ethical compass to make sound decisions and contribute positively to society. Our medical wellness services are designed to promote physical health and well-being, while our advisory support offers a confidential space for individuals seeking guidance and clarity in life matters. Additionally, our vibrant prayer services and community gatherings foster a sense of belonging, providing spiritual nourishment and opportunities for meaningful connections within our close-knit community.

We invite you to be part of our vibrant community and embark on a journey of spiritual growth and personal development. If you wish to enroll your child in our tuition classes, rest assured that they will receive a comprehensive education that encompasses both secular knowledge and Islamic values. For those seeking medical wellness services, our skilled healthcare professionals are dedicated to promoting your well-being with a compassionate touch. Whether you need advice on personal matters, family issues, or professional concerns, our advisory services are rooted in Islamic principles and designed to support you in making informed decisions. And, of course, we welcome you to join us in daily prayers, Friday prayers, Taraweeh, Eid celebrations, and various community events that strengthen our bonds as a unified community.
To get in touch with us, please reach out at 07424 086067 or email us at [email protected]. We look forward to serving you and your family with utmost dedication and care, making a positive impact on the lives of our cherished community members.

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